A Realtor you can trust to help you find a community you love.

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Dream it.

Homeownership is still the American Dream. You’ll love where you live.

Sell It.

Sell for more, spend less days on market and delegate the stressful details to a pro.

Build It.

Uncompromising standards and meticulous planning so you draft your dream home into reality.

Grow it.

Invest with the highest degree of confidence in a stable market that helps you generate passive income.

Life’s too short to let fear hold your dreams hostage.

Indecisiveness and lack of decision create doubt and regret.

It’s scary to sell your home and not know if you’ll be able to find a new one you can afford.

Multiple offers and bidding wars are frustrating.

You’re worried you’ll miss out on historically low interest rates.


I’ll help you understand the trends of real estate so you feel confident about your home buying or selling decision.


Rooted in community

With a Realtor who has a strong understanding of the best communities in Utah, you’ll rest easy knowing you’re making the best decision for yourself and family.

Invested in Your Lifelong Success

Real estate relationships aren’t just a one and done deal. As your lifelong Realtor our paths will cross many times over which lets you trust I have your best interest at heart.

Life’s too short to worry

Selling and buying a home can quickly take up a lot of your time and energy. Real Estate is my full time job, freeing you up to focus on what matters most.

Buy A Home

During your Home Buying consultation we’ll review your budget, gain clarity about what you’re looking for in a home and down your search to only the best properties that match your needs. From there I’ll work to have your offer accepted so you can move in and start making memories.

Sell A Home

Understanding your home’s value requires more than an online tool. Your home’s unique value can only be assessed by a market expert that will tour the property and offer pricing recommendations.

Hire Your Agent (me!), Accept an Offer and move on to your next adventure!

“Jen made selling my home easy. She helped me prepare the home beautifully so we received several offers early on. When one buyer backed out she had a new offer in hand within 48 hours.”

—Katie F.”